Allergy Elimination Techniques

Allergy elimination techniques can have great outcomes in the hands of a skilled intuitive energy medicine practitioner. The approach is non-invasive, individually tailored, and targets the underlying cause while supporting the individual’s return to a state of balance. (nonreactive state)  I believe the energetic combination of multiple modalities such as EFT, BSFF, NAET, Hypnosis, Lymphology … create a more powerful foundation to help to facilitate the desired results.

NAET Certifications*: Nambudripad’s Allergies Elimination Techniques (NAET)

Basic NAET Certification Course
Advanced -1 NAET  Certification Course


NAET resonates with my intuitive energy medicine practice because of its non-invasive approach and its wide use of energetic testing. *Even though I no longer maintain NAET certification, it continues to serve as a reference in my practice.

NAET is one of the non-invasive drug-free methods directed toward eliminating allergies. It uses a combination of energy test, balancing, and treatment procedures taken from acupuncture, acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutrition, and kinesiology.[1]

NAET History:
Nambudripad’s allergy techniques are a dedicated set of protocols to desensitize one allergen at a time.  Depending on one’s immune status, it may take between 1 to 20 office visits to neutralize the first 15-20 basic food and environmental sensitivities. Devi Nambudripad, MD, has an autism clinic directed toward children and conducts worldwide research with her own published journal.[2]


[1] NAET, “What is NAET?”, accessed June 17, 2013,

[2] NAET, “What is NAET?”, accessed June 17, 2013,