Jin Shin Jyutsu

Student of Jin Shin Jyutsu: “Art of Getting to KNOW (Help) MYSELF”


Watching, feeling and understanding:
The universal revitalizing energy through using the hands as jumper cables is a magnificently simple and inexpensive tool to enhance and layer into our wellness journey.  The art of “Living” through being in balance with the rhythm of the universe is a worthy endeavor and powerful tool for any healer to seek for both their own and their client’s physical (wellness) and spiritual evolution.[i]

JIN is man of KNOWING, compassion;
SHIN is Creator;
JYUTSU is art.
(Creator’s art personally for MYSELF.)
Art of Getting to KNOW (Help) MYSELF

In the early 1900’s, Master Jiro Murai of Japan, rediscovered the lost art and teachings of harmony.  Mary Burmeister studied with Murai in the late 1940’s bringing this gift home to the United States of America to share.


[i]Burmeister, Mary.  Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu Is: Book 1.  Scottsdale, AZ: Jin Shin Jyutsu, 1994.

—————.  Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu Is: Book II.  Scottsdale, AZ: Jin Shin Jyutsu, 1981.

—————.  Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu Is: Book III… Scottsdale, AZ: Jin Shin Jyutsu, 1985.